Job Seeker Services

Job Seeker Services

Land Your Dream Job With A CV That Stands Out


With our professional and affordable resume editors, your resume will go straight to the top of the interview list.

Our expert resume editors will ensure that your strengths and most relevant work experiences are highlighted. We can help tailor your resume to a specific job or industry so that you can stand above the rest.

What To Expect In Your Resume

  • ATS Friendly

    We make sure that your resume can be read by an ATS. ATS software friendly resumes have a much better chance of making it into the hands of a hiring manager.

  • Chronological Format

    We list your work history in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent job listed at the top and each previous position in descending order.

  • Style & Organization

    We create a visually appealing resume with a balance of text and open space to draw the reader in.

  • Writing & Mechanics

    By using concise language, potential employers will be able to skim your CV and quickly pick out important information first.

We Make Sure That Your Profile Creates The Impression You Need To Succeed And Thrive With Our LinkedIn Assistance Service


Up to 70% of new hires are hired via LinkedIn, there are more than 55 million companies and nearly 800 million users in LinkedIn.


Whether you are applying for jobs or networking, your LinkedIn profile can either make or break you.
Our team will transform your LinkedIn profile to one that attracts the right recruiters, has appropriate keywords, and represents you in the best light possible.

  • Register now and discuss your LinkedIn profile goals.

  • Receive a fully written, optimized, & redesigned five star profile.

  • Stand out from your competition & get the attention you deserve.

Making A Strong, Positive First Impression During An Interview Isn’t An Option; It’s A Must.

We see it all the time: great candidates being passed up for failing to properly prepare for an interview. Even if you don’t possess the necessary skills, being properly prepared can help you get the job.

Barry Prost
Co- Founder

What To Expect

Exclusive Interview Preparation Guide

Our exclusive interview preparation guide is the perfect resource for anyone who wants to ace their next job interview. The guide covers everything you need to know, from researching the company to practicing your answers to common interview questions. With our help, you’ll be prepared to make a great impression and land the job you want.

50-Minute Zoom Interview Preparation

Our interview preparation includes a 50-minute Zoom consultation with one of our interview experts. Are you unsure of how to prepare for a job interview? Do you have questions about how to answer common interview questions or what to wear? We can help!

Our Goal is Helping You Go Further


The Springboard Service is a 3 part service for job seekers. Whether you are looking to change careers, industries or locations, we will teach you how to secure your dream job through 3 instructional modules to provide you with professional solitons

  • CV Formatting

    – Upgraded CV

    – Cover Letter Template

    – Thank you Letter Template

    – Acceptance Letter Template

  • LinkedIn Assistance

    – Receive a fully written, optimized, & redesigned five star profile.

    – Receive an exclusive LinkedIn Guidebook with insider tips and much more.

    – Stand out from your competition & get the attention you deserve.

  • Interview Preparation

    – Exclusive Interview Preparation Guidebook with responses to interview questions and much more.

    – Job Interviews One to One Coaching session.

Put your career first

Propel provides job seekers with the resources and support they need to achieve their career goals.

Job Services Package

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